
Am 12.10.2012 16:14, schrieb Serge Wroclawski:> I made a second issue at the same time regarding gathering histrorical
> data around way geometry. Right now, due to the way OSM stores its
> geometry data, the only way to know about a way's geometry history is
> to call the history call for the way, then make a history call for
> each and every node that was ever in the way.

That's something I ussed about 4 years ago when I stared working with the history and someone pointed me to an important fact:

  The API is to support mappers.

Using it for small tools/experiments is ok, as long as they dont't put noticable load on the api. For everything else, there are planet/history dumps.

With today's tools it's quite simple to extract your area of interest from a history dump and work on that. In fact it's much much easier to use those dumps to fetch data then to crawl the api, once ypou get the algorithms in place.
> Talking with Matt about this a month ago on IRC, he suggested a new
> call could be made, one that would do the above work in a single call.
> This would allow the same work to be done with less server overhead,
> and greater resource management.
> Tom closed it, saying he didn't like expensive calls.

I don't like expensive calls *on the main api* either. But why not build a history api? It could feed itsself from the history dumps and kept up to date from the replication diffs. It's all there, just assemble it.


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