On Thu, 2010-03-11 at 12:29 -0800, John Drago wrote:
> Looking at the example starting on 
> http://doc.otrs.org/developer/2.4/en/html/x1200.html
> Are you **sure** that the filenames in the example are correct?  Also, the 
> example doesn't mention permissions or ownership of those files.  Do they 
> have to be set to any special value?

Basically, just check the permissions on the already existing files...

> 1) Kernel/System/Config/Files/HelloWorld.xml
> 2) Kernel/Modules/AgentHelloWorld.pm
> 3) Kernel/System/HelloWorld.pm
> 4) Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/AgentHelloWorld.dtl
> 5) HelloWorld/Kernel/Language/de_AgentHelloWorld.pm
> That last one looks real fishy.

Obviously, that needs to be Kernel/Language/de_AgentHelloWorld.pm - but
usually it's best to develop the module in a separate sub directory and
then use symlinks to link the file in your OTRS dir, using the
module-linker.pl script, as described here:

> ** Also - how do I get the new module to start showing up in the list of 
> checkboxes in the "Settings" checkbox area (top-right)?  Do I have to 
> "enable" the module or add it to another config file or something like that?

Sure, that is done via a small snippet in Sysconfig. Basically, you
should create a file called OutOfTheOffice.xml and put it in
Kernel/Config/Files - it should contain something like the snippet
that's currently in Framework.xml for DashboardBackend###0400-UserOnline
- just add your own values.

Also, for the Dashboard, as AgentDashboard.pm is already the front end
module, you actually don't need to add another file to Kernel/Modules
but to Kernel/Modules/HTML instead. You'll probably see the file
DashboardUserOnline.pm that already exists there, just copy that one
over and use it as a starting point. You would also need to have a file
to generate the HTML from, look at AgentDashboardUserOnline.dtl for an

Hope this helps,


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