----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John K Sterling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Doug MacEachern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [PATCH] win32 module names now like unix

> > thanks, works like a charm.  curious, should mod_perl.dsp be cvs add-ed
> > with -kb?  i seem to recall cvs changing the file (stripping ^M's ?)
> welp, i've always had a problem when those ^M's are there - i don't think
> that file should be binary - when i pull from cvs on win32 that .dsp file
> (ApacheModulePerl.dsp) just don't work for me and never has......  so i
> manually strip those things (well, with a script) and then all is well.
> i vote checkem in as text files - (is there an issues with older versions
> of msvc++? i'm useing 6.0)
> >
> > i also added mod_perl.def to the MANIFEST, we don't want to include
> > mod_perl.mak or do we?
> i don't think so, just the dsp.  right randy?
> --sterling

I agree about getting rid of the ^Ms - although it works for me
with them, it'd probably be better without them, as they can cause

I've always just used the .dsp file; the .mak file can always be
generated from the .dsp through Visual Studio, if need be.

Also, with src/modules/win32/*, we don't need
src/modules/ApacheModulePerl/* anymore .... This
may initially confuse some regular Win32 builders, but I
think between the message at the end of 'perl Makefile.PL'
and the fairly obvious names that most should figure it
out ....

best regards,

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