Hey folks,

I thought about the mod_perl 2.0 performance setups. So, since now one
process can have pools with interpreter and without it, would it make
sense to kill the dual server setup as we endorse now (where mod_perl is
the backend) and have only one server, with different pools.

So would something like this faster than the current schema?

Threads Pool A : lots of plain Apache threads.
Threads Pool P : a few Perl interpreters.

A thread from pool A accepts the connection and decides to handle it to
a thread from pool P, pool P does what it does and returns the result to
some thread in pool A. (We have to do the second hanling because we want
to untie the thread P asap).

With a dual server setup mod_proxy talks to the back-end server.
How this actually will work within one 2.0 server? Is there going to be
some kind mod_proxy like facility that will know to dispatch the requests?


Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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