----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doug MacEachern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Randy Kobes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: win32 and apache_1.3.19

> how about having Makefile.PL generate a file that sets
> $Apache::Server::CWD, which is then PerlRequire'd by httpd.conf?
> i'd just rather avoid modifying the distribution files.

that's great ... this is done in the attached patch (against today's
cvs mod_perl), and all works with perl-5.6.1 and apache_1.3.19.
i also included in this patch the earlier patches for getting the
right apache_1.3.19 inc directories, inserting some win32-specific
values in Apache::MyConfig, and changing some apache paths
in mod_perl.dsp to more generic values. 

best regards,


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