On Fri, 25 May 2001, barries wrote:

> On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 05:52:39PM -0700, Doug MacEachern wrote:
> > let's consider everything before adding new code.
> Ok :-).  I have a reply in queue that works through your ideation w/
> questions & suggestions.  But first, let's look at really bifurcating
> the API into a Perl*Filter API and a more Apache-esque API.
> I'm starting to think that packaging low level Apache filters as though
> they were Perl*Handlers is a misleading API: they're different from
> plain handlers and treating them so is likely to mislead developers and
> provides different semantics than the underlying Apache API provides,
> leading to impedance mismatch in mod_perl's implementation and in
> devloper's mental models.
> Other handlers get called once per request or subrequest.  Filters will
> often get called 2 or many, many times (see any handler that skips
> sending an EOS bucket, as well as mod_isapi and mod_proxy). Writing a
> filter sub requires a much more event-driven mindest than writing a
> handler sub: even the example reverse filter has a surprise in it waiting
> for somebody that slaps it in front of mod_proxy or mod_isapi or any
> other handler that sends multiple bbs of content.
> Handler subs are simple use-once event handlers no intra-request state
> needs to be kept.  Filter subs will often need to be aware of BOS/EOS
> state provided by mod_perl, and will also need to keep some
> intra-request state.

to me, a Perl*Handler is just a configuration directive which specifies
the name of a Perl subroutine.  and that subroutine is called during a
given apache plugin callback.  all Perl*Handlers, including filters use
the same mechanism for resolving the name, loading the module if
needed, calling the subroutine, etc.
> So, how about two APIs?

isn't this what i've been saying all along? :)
> API 1: Perl{In,Out}putFilterHandlers
> Perl{In,Out}putFilter directives act much like todays, but use the
> filter name when registering filters and AP_FTYPE_...CODE attrs to
> modify when ap_add_xxx_filter()s get called.  The only reason for using
> the filter names is to enable debug dumps of the filter stack to be
> read, and to obey the principle of "least surpise", meaning that there's
> no need for the special-ness of MODPERL_{IN,OUT}PUT_FILTER_NAME to be
> grokked by hapless mod_perl-internals-geek-wannabes like me.

sure, i'm all for using the Perl name to register the filter.
> However, to make these Perl{In,Out}putFilterHandlers consistent with
> other Perl*Handlers, mod_perl would need
>    - to buffer all filter input in an ever-growing bucket brigade until
>      EOS is seen,
>    - then call the Perl*FilterHandler sub (once!),

i would consider this as an option.  it could actually be a standalone
filter module that collects all brigades into one before sending it
further down the chain.  if its proven to be efficient, we can make it the

>    - passing it $r blessed in to an Apache::RequestFilter (or some such)
>      class which would have alternative I/O subs that called the brigade
>      APIs.  Would also provide a filter() accessor to get at the
>      "real" Apache::Filter object for the rare case when that might be
>      needed in sucha high level handler.

$filter->r gives you the request_rec.  Perl*Handlers in 2.0 are passed
the same arguments as C handlers are passed.

>    - and pass on the EOS when the sub exited.
> The coding style would be very consistent with the existing mechanisms
> and all the hairball stuff you can trip over with filters is balled up
> into a tangle of wiring hidden behind nice, padded walls. No BOS/EOS
> worries, not statefullness worries, just memory and (possibly) latency
> worries.

i hope we can get to that.  the C bucket brigade api is klunky.  the
$filter->{read,write} methods written as part of the padding, still need
to be implemented for input filters.
> The worries in that scheme, as well as the lack of flexibility in
> calling ap_add_xxx_filter() need a low-level API to handle.
> API 2: Bucket Brigade filters

i think we're on the same page, this is pretty much the same as what 
i outlined under 'direct C api mapping.

> mod_perl could call ap_register_xxx_filter() on all subs compiled with
> attr.

except for this part.  for the direct mapping, mod_perl should not do
anything special.  it will be up to the Perl filter module to call
Apache::register_xxx_filter with AP_FTYPE_FOO.  i'm ok with defaulting
arguments, e.g. ftype could default to AP_FTYPE_CONTENT.

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