On Sat, 23 Jun 2001, Doug MacEachern wrote:

> i'm pretty sure cvs allows access control so certain
> people can write to docs/ but not ../

it doesn't actually; you have to rely on unix permissions.

would you really trust somebody to write docs that you
wouldn't trust to write code? i wouldn't. so i don't think
it should be a concern.

> the other reason for the split is if we want to release
> docs more often than the rest of the distribution.  if

why exactly would one release docs separately? i don't see
it happening in reality. keep them in the core module.

> the other question is should docs for modules live
> inlined in the .pm's or be in
> docs/pod/lib/Apache/FooModule.pod ?  i would think the
> latter so the pdf and other doc magic stas plans can be
> applied to the module docs.

i highly prefer having module doc inline. and i mean inline,
interspersed amongst subs, so i can see the doc for a sub
when i'm looking at its code. i get annoyed when i have to
scroll to the bottom or open a second window to look at the
doc for a sub :)

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