i'm revisiting this problem and am unable to reproduce with:
mod_perl-1.25_01-dev (current cvs)
apache-1.3.21-dev (current cvs)
perl 5.7.2-dev (current perforce)

using the mod_perl-1.25_01-dev/t test setup, at the bottom of
t/conf/httpd.conf, i added:

LoadModule php4_module /home/dougm/httpd/libexec/libphp4.so
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

use blib qw(/home/dougm/build/Apache-Storage-1.1);

PerlModule Apache::Storage
ApacheStore foo "[qw(skdjf slkdjf lskdjf)]"

this perl script runs fine:
use Apache::Storage;
use Data::Dumper;

my $r = shift;

print Dumper get_storage('foo');

as does this php script:
<? echo "hi" ?>

i can even lookup the perl config from php:

$perl = new Perl;
$foo = $perl->call("Apache::Storage::get_storage", "foo");
$dump = $perl->call("Data::Dumper::Dumper", $foo);
echo $dump;

is anybody still having this problem?  if so, can you provide a simple
test case to reproduce?

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