On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:
>   % ./t/TEST -debug -debugger=ddd

how about reusing the current -debug: t/TEST -d ddd ?

> --debug-hook_init : bring the debugger to the 'modperl_hook_init'
> function via the breakpoint (internally it first loads the mod_perl
> DSO module via 'apr_dso_load' breakpoint.
> e.g.:
>   % ./t/TEST -debug -debug-hook_init

i'd rather not have a special case for this, but instead always set
breakpoints after apr_dso_load, or better yet at ap_init_modules which
will work for both dso and static (i think)

> ------
> --breakpoint : set as many breakpoint as needed via repeating the key


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