On Mon, 16 Jul 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:
> So is modperl_require_module() is used only for CORE::require()? If so

at the moment, yes.
> - do we need modperl_use_module() to implement CORE::use

into what namespace would things be imported?

> - should it be based on modperl_require_module() and convert the bareword
>   into a filename before calling  modperl_require_module() or implemented
>   from scratch
>   s|::|/|;
>   s|$|.pm|;

they're both so small (see 1.xx's version), i wouldn't worry about it much
for now.  they can be optimized later, like using Perl_load_module() for

> Sure, will fix. I thought I could actually take a benefit of using one
> statement/no_braces_required C feature here :)

i've learned to like how Perl forces the braces, easier to read and less
error-prone :)

> > > +    MP_TRACE_d(MP_FUNC, "%s\n", arg);
> >
> > > +    MP_TRACE_d(MP_FUNC, "%s\n", arg);
> >
> > should be more that "%s\n" here.
> But you actually have only a single arg. Or are you talking about flagging
> whether we are in parent process or vh scope? I've copied it from
> MP_CMD_SRV_DECLARE(options) which traces only the options passed.

the options command tells you a bit more:
    MP_TRACE_d(MP_FUNC, "arg = %s\n", arg);

that's all i was looking for.

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