On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Doug,
> I find it very incovenient to run 'make' everytime I change
> Apache/TestConfig.pm or similar files. Of course I could run 'make test'
> but then it runs all tests, whereas I want to run only one test to
> exercise something that I work on.
> Basically I want:
> ./t/TEST protocol/echo
> to detect whether some src files were modified and update them for me (so
> ./t/TEST will act like 'make').
> Alternatively I'd like to use the source dir Apache-Test/lib, while I
> develop, so I don't have to copy the files over (or run 'make').

the tests already point to Apache-Test/lib:
% grep Apache-Test/lib t/TEST
use lib map { "$_/Apache-Test/lib" } qw(. ..);

the server side might not, but adding Apache-Test/lib to modperl_inc.pl
would fix that.

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