On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:
> ok, cool, I was mainly just trying to see whether it works, not to make 
> a real patch yet.

> Oh, yeah, I see now that it's only mentioned in the docs, not tests 
> available. What would be a nice to test to write. Will the require of 
> identical file names in different servers will be sufficient? (something 
> similar that I've posted with this hardcoded example)

> what do you mean? That's the point of my question :) If I put +Parent I 
> don't have these inhereted, that's why I had to manually add each of these.

PerlSwitches is inherited, unless your vhost declares a PerlSwitches.

> Since I've spent so much time on these already, I'd rather finish them. 
> I just wasn't sure whether we needed these.

more tests the better.

>  >> todo ?

> so we can probably can postpone this until somebody asks :) 

and >> todo

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