On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Geoffrey Young wrote:

> hi all...
>   I just got around to fixing something that has been a splinter in my mind
> for a while now...
>   it all started with Andrew Ford documenting that push_handlers() didn't
> work for method handlers.  it turns out they work just fine so long as you
> use the (undocumented?) string literal form
>   $r->push_handlers(PerlInitHandler => 'My::Class->handler');
>   instead of the code reference form.  While this makes sense, it bugged me.
> anyway, I set to work on it this morning and was able to get method handlers
> to work for the code reference form as well, but it required a patch to
> UNIVERSAL::can().
>   the below patches allow the following formats, in addition to what is
> already currently supported
>   $r->push_handlers(PerlFixupHandler => My::Class->can('foo'));
>   $r->set_handlers(PerlFixupHandler => [My::Class->can('foo')]);

cool!  i don't understand why universal.c needs a patch, the :method
attribute should have already set that flag.  could you make it so there's
a new function that checks CvFLAGS and the $$ prototype, so both
perl_handler_ismethod and your new function call that?

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