On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:
> users don't read the documentation thoroughly, and even if they do,
> chances are that the only thing they will rememember after reading the
> docs is that <Perl> can run any code.

right, docs won't be read, so <Perl> should behave as it did in 1.x, code
is run in package Apache::ReadConfig.
> At least I'd suggest not to define the Apache::ReadConfig by default, let
> the user define it, than it will make <Perl> sections, as a plain Perl
> scratch place, and if you will have to specify
> package Apache::ReadConfig;
> before changing configuration, then things will be more explicit.

no, this changes the 1.x behavior.  <Perl> was designed to generate
configuration, so Apache::ReadConfig is the default.  if somebody wants to
use it for something else, then they can declare 'package foo;' or use
PerlRequire instead.

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