On Aug  2, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> I don't know anything about signatures, since they're not documented
> or advertised.
> I don't know why it isn't included... I thought the patch was cherry
> picked. I didn't test it in the release because I added the tests
> for the feature to tests/racket/advanced.rktl

So to conclude the messes that need to be sorted out:

* Figure out if the changes are included or not, if not, figure out if
  they should be added or not, if yes, then figure out if retesting
  should be done or not.

* Especially given that there were changes in the teaching languages
  and the web server, it would be good to retest properly, using the
  release candidate.  (The test email has instructions on getting the
  tests -- either to add to the installed tree or use the "full"

* And for the (near) future -- figure out what's happenning in the
  teaching languages.  I get the impression that things are moving
  there almost randomly.

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