On Feb 13, 2012, at 5:07 PM, David Van Horn wrote:

> On 2/13/12 4:20 PM, Stephen Bloch wrote:
>> On Feb 13, 2012, at 8:28 AM, David Van Horn wrote:
>>> In BSL, you can detect when the first element of a clause is a variable 
>>> bound to a function, but I don't follow the reasoning about ISL.  You can't 
>>> distinguish good from bad uses without running the code because you can't 
>>> tell if a name refers to a function or a non-function.
>> Not reliably, because the student COULD be using a parameter or a local 
>> variable in that position.  But in the COMMON case of this error, the 
>> student will use a predefined function or an explicitly user-defined 
>> top-level function, and it should be possible to recognize those at 
>> syntax-check-time.
> But even if the name is a parameter, it cannot be bound to a function. If 
> it's a local, it either is or isn't a function -- you can tell from the 
> definition.

In ISLL, a parameter could be bound to a function.  You're right, in ISL it 
can't, so that's even easier.

> I think it's correct to consider this a syntax error, not a run-time error.  
> It should just have a better message.
>> Which leaves
>>> cond: question result is not true or false: (lambda (a1) ...)
>> as a good error message to report at run time in the rare cases that don't 
>> match the above description.
> Except you don't want to say lambda in BSL.

No, of course not.

So to sum it up:

In BSL and BSLL, you can tell at compile-time what identifiers are bound to 
functions (either predefined or user-defined-at-the-top-level).  If the first 
element of a cond-clause is such an identifier, trigger our 

In ISL, there's an additional case: a local variable might or might not be 
bound to a function.  That's a little more hassle to check, but it should be 
doable at compile-time.  Again, if the first element of a cond-clause is an 
identifier bound to a function, trigger our clever error message at 

In ISLL, there's another additional case: a parameter, for which you REALLY 
can't tell (without a bunch of heavy-duty type inference, and in general it's 
probably undecidable) whether it's bound to a function.  In that case, you can 
use the aforementioned run-time error message involving lambda.  In all the 
previous cases, which we should still be able to detect and which should cover 
the great majority of cases, trigger the clever compile-time error message.

In ASL and #lang racket, there are still cases in which you could trigger this 
error message.  There's already a mechanism to tell whether a particular 
variable is ever mutated in a particular module (I don't remember what this is 
used for, but people have mentioned adding a "set!" as a work-around to various 
provide/require problems), so if the cond-clause-entry in question is an 
identifier that isn't mutated in this module and is bound to a function, 
trigger the clever error message.  Although for ASL and #lang racket, the 
clever error message isn't as important....

Stephen Bloch

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