At Thu, 18 Jul 2013 11:44:41 -0600, Neil Toronto wrote:
> I maintain 3 collections that will become ring-0 
> packages. What should I (and others like me) be doing right now in 
> response to the Big Package Shift?

For packages that are currently in the main Racket repo, then there's
nothing in particular to do. If you'd like, you can split (into "-lib",
"-doc", etc., if that seems worthwhile) or otherwise adjust your

If your packages are not currently in the main Racket repo, and if your
packages are *not* meant to work with v5.3.6 and earlier, then it would
be a good idea to update the dependencies. If you packages are meant to
work with v5.3.6, however, then maybe there's nothing to do until we
sort out a way to write dependencies that work with both the new
organization and v5.3.6 (which will probably take a few more days).

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