On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 2:25 AM, Robby Findler <ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
Not that you need more to do, I'm sure :), but the builds from the release branch (or just checking it out yourself if that's easier) are probably pretty close to the final release from the perspective of dependencies and OS packaging issues. And that turns out to be wrong, we'd probably be better positioned to fix it before the release goes out....

I'll wait to the release because I know racket 6 works without problems on amd64/i386 and I want to include the update of the package in the next release of OpenBSD for these platforms. Add more platforms require time and a lot of tests (from me and other people).

Meanwhile, I'm working on the update to racket 6 for amd64/i386 :) (that's also the reason for my questions)

On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 7:19 PM, Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado <i...@juanfra.info> wrote:
On 12/01/13 04:00, Matthew Flatt wrote:
At Sun, 01 Dec 2013 03:31:32 +0100, Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado wrote:
On 11/25/13 05:10, Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado wrote:
Hi. I'm compiling racket 6 (from the git branch "release") on OpenBSD.

The configure script includes the options "enable-gracket" and
"enable-docs" but I don't see the gracket binary and the docs installed after the installation. Someone forgot remove the options or these are
usefull for something?.

Another question. Racket 5.3 needs gtk, cairo, pango, gtkglext and so
forth. What are the dependencies of racket core now?.


Sorry that I missed your message.

Don't worry!

These `--enable-docs` and `--enable-gracket` options are not as useful as before, but I haven't sorted out whether they're completely useless,
and so they're still there. For example, `--disable-gracket` would
avoid building the `gracket` helper executable that goes in "lib" ---
but, then, installing any package with a `gracket`-based executable
won't work right.

The new way to avoid documentation is to just not install any
documentation packages (at the Racket level). Similarly, aside from the `gracket` helper executable, avoid graphics and GUI dependencies by not
installing graphics and GUI packages (at the Racket level).

I like a lot the new approach :)

I'm asking because I would like to add support for more OpenBSD
platforms to racket. If I could to compile racket without the
dependencies, just with a C compiler, it will help me a lot.

I'm not interested in to give support to the GUI on some platforms
because probably nobody will run drracket on a headless computer :) . And probably cairo or gtk will have problems on some old platforms, so
the package won't compile because doesn't have the dependencies.

So, basically I'm asking if racket 6 (and raco pkg) can work correctly without gtk, cairo, pango and others deps. Obviously raco can't generate
docs but this isn't important. Any help?.

A minimal Racket build doesn't depend on anything except standard tools, like `make` and a compiler, although it will use "libiconv" when available, and it will also use a pre-built "libffi" if available (or
build one, otherwise).

Libraries such as gtk, cairo, and pango are now dependencies of the
"gui" and "draw" packages. (The `gracket` executable that is put in the
"lib" directory doesn't depend on them.)

Documentation builds depend on "libsqlite3".

Thanks for the help. I'll start the work on the new platforms after of the racket 6 release.

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