On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 6:12 PM,  <as...@racket-lang.org> wrote:
> +       ;; Note: in practice it's unlikely that the second pattern will ever 
> come up
> +       ;;       because the sequence number for '() will be low and the 
> union will
> +       ;;       be sorted by sequence number. As a paranoid precaution, 
> however,
> +       ;;       we will match against both patterns here.
> +       (syntax/loc stx (or (Mu: var-pat (Union: (list (Value: '()) (Pair: 
> elem-pat (F: var-pat)))))
> +                           (Mu: var-pat (Union: (list (Pair: elem-pat (F: 
> var-pat)) (Value: '()))))))])))

Let's just make this a documented assumption, and save ourselves all some pain.

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