Hi Eike,
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 12:32 +0200, Eike Rathke wrote:
> Hi Noel,
> You were faster than me..
well I would have been faster still if I had re-read fully (and
understood) the content of original thread ;-)  
>  I also wanted to suggest to use
> ScRange::ParseAny. However, care must be taken of the assignment of
> USHORT nRes such that for a valid single address it must be extended to
> form a bitmask of a valid range that is to be compared with nMask and
> added with nResult &= nRes.
yes you are right, I am just passing SCA_VALID as the nMask so I didn't
see this. Given if we change this there is a possibility that someone
somewhere depends on the full set of range flags being set
do you mean either
    a) the client of ScRangeList::Parse must take care of this OR 
    b) ScRangeList::Parse should detect the single range was parsed by
ScRange::ParseAny and it should apply the remaining flags (
    c) ScRange::ParseAny should apply the extra flags it successfully
parses the string

a) would mean finding every caller :-(
b) has some merit because it's an internal change
c) you could argue that if someone calls something called
ScRange::parseAny they would expect success to mean the full set of
flags to be set regardless of whether the range was formed from single
address or not

so, I am a little uncertain as to what/where extra changes are needed  
what do you think?


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