Hi gaozm,

On Thursday, 2007-12-06 17:11:46 +0800, gaozm wrote:

>     You have added 3 issues to the wiki, but some of them are the same as our 
> featrue, for example: Empty and Non-Empty conditions in AutoFilter and so on.

That's why I added the issues, because they touch the same topic.

>     Now, I want to know whether these issues should be fixed? If the answer 
> is "yes", what should we do in  featrue(Data Filter)? 

When specifying and developing the feature the issues should be kept in
mind and specification should address the issues. When done right,
implementing the specification will fix these issues. Note that the
issues currently are of type 'patch' but nevertheless would introduce
new features. Depending on the outcome of the specification the patches
may have to be reworked.


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