On 8/20/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I agree with both sides of this argument and to me, there is no ideal
solution.  I think at this stage (serious but not final evaluation) we
just keep -SNAPSHOT and ask users to download and review.  Before
voting we can tweak the version number and label SVN.  We can ask
committers to build from SVN tag and test and vote on that.

At this point its unlikely there are any issues but if there are, the
committers should be smart enough to know how to clear out their maven
repo (and we can remind them with specific instructions.)  We
definitely don't want to skip version numbers.

So my proposal is to involve everyone in the beta testing but do not
distribute the "final" version to vote on so we can prevent mass
confusion.  If non committers want to participate they can build from
the *tagged* svn version (not the trunk) and they do so at their own


Makes sense, going a step ahead, if a committer could generously post
(rather than deploy) the bits in their personal webspace (rather than
a maven snapshot repository, which presumably is where folks can
unknowingly obtain the "premature" artifacts from) -- that would lower
the barrier for participation, which is a good thing IMO.




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