On 8/25/06, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah, missed this in the earlier post about styling, but perhaps it
needs a new thread anyway. That style [1] does not process the
className attribute of all the legal dialog config elements. The
className attribute came in through SHALE-120 [2].

Essentially, this lets you customize the configuration objects that model
the internals of the dialog.   Sean had a particular use case that he can
comment on ... but I imagine that this kind of thing would require the
application to access and customize the SCXML configuration beans instead.
What I don't know yet:

* Is this possible/convenient?

* Is this a good idea?  From watching what people have done customizing
 the configuration beans of Struts 1.x, it has enabled adding a lot of
 But it sure feels like we're exposing an internal implementation detail.


Its basically an open door. Now I'm trying to make some sense of it
for the SCXML port. In the absence of className, we could be ready to
try out using Commons SCXML for the dialog internals in about a week,
possibly. In the longer run, it might be possible for most of the
stuff in the dialog package [3] (and its child packages) to disappear
after a regular deprecate / remove cycle if we (you ;-) decide to go
the SCXML route.

Not sure how to handle the className attribute, perhaps interim its
best to somehow watch for it and fall back to the existing digester
and dialog "engine" if present. Comments?

@Sean - I take it you are using this attribute? Any ideas here? Can
you please explain (again) how you use it? There may be other ways to
achieve the desired results, from an SCXML PoV. Ofcourse, that will
only be applicable for new applications.


[1] http://people.apache.org/~rahul/shale/style-dialogs/
[2] https://issues.apache.org/struts/browse/SHALE-120

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