On 10/23/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wendy or anyone who knows...

I added the maven config to shale-tiger and shale-apps/shale-sql-
browser a while back, but I can't seem to figure out how to have
those as part of the assembly...

Here's what I do now:

   $ cd shale/framework/
   $ mvn clean install site -Papps,itest,j4 -Djava14.jar=
   $ cd shale-dist/
   $ mvn clean assembly:assembly

When I unpack the zip, there is no apps, and no j4 jars/wars  (even
though I see them under target of each).


IIUC, for artifacts to be packed in the dist zip, they have to be
either declared as deps in the shale-dist pom [1] (for publishable
artifacts) or, for other resources (such as j4 jars/wars), the
assembly descriptor [2] would have to pull them in (since the j4
artifacts aren't published anywhere under separate artifactIDs).


[1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shale/framework/trunk/shale-dist/pom.xml


James Mitchell

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