On 1/1/07, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/1/07, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The SHALE_1_0_X branch [1] has been created. Over the next day, it
> will be used to prepare the proposed v1.0.4 artifacts and svn tag.
> My preference would be to have no commits to the branch when releases
> are being prepared and voted on (relevant commits to trunk that need
> to be backported can wait a day or two, unless its a showstopper for
> the release). I will ping this thread when this is done for v1.0.4,
> and the branch is open for general commits.

Does this also imply that the trunk is now open for new features?  I want to
spend a bit of time between plays :-) on things like SHALE-262, and it'd be
easier to just work on the trunk now, rather than branching shale-test and
then merging later.


Indeed, now that we have multiple lines of development, development
need not stop just because a release is imminent. The v104 tag will
come from the 10x branch, so the trunk is no longer relevant for the
release ;-)

More generally, I propose we have the following procedure for future releases:

(1) At the appropriate time, the RM declares a code freeze on the
relevant branch
(2) Development continues in all other branches, and developers keep
notes of any changes that need to be ported to the "frozen" branch
(3) When freeze is over, developers commit pending changes

Showstoppers that require a fix to the frozen branch restart the process at (1).


(And no, I'm *not* going to propose that we add a new feature to 1.0.4 at
the last minute :-).


> [1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shale/framework/branches/SHALE_1_0_X/

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