

I have a couple of possible contributions...


1.       Clay locale-aware import: When using clay to import an html
file, will attempt to load locale specific files in the style of a
message bundle. So if the file name is basename.html will attempt to
load (in order):


           baseName + "_" + language + "_" + country + "_" + variant +

          baseName + "_" + language + "_" + country + ".html"

          baseName + "_" + language + ".html"



                Done by over-riding  protected ComponentBean
getRootElement() in Clay.java. Very handy for internationalisation!


2.       Property expansion just like in ant property files, but in
LoadBundle. Use LoadBundle to load a property file and use properties
internally in the file like this...



property.helloworld=Hello ${property.world}


                Done by some extra processing in the get() method of the
map. (If in the example above ${property.world} can't be found it'll
return "Hello ??property.world??")


Both changes are in project-specific extended classes, so not quite
"contrib-ready", but if there's enough interest in these new features
then I'll spend a couple of hours updating base classes and uploading.


It'd also be useful to know the proceedure for a contrib: raise a jira
and attach a patch file?





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