On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Torsten Krah
>  I want to fix this bug 442 and want to ask some question here about doing
>  that, if thats ok, i'll hope so.

This is definitely the right place to discuss such fixes.

>  I'll fixed the decorator not to apply shales validator renderer if the
>  renderer family matches the ajax stuff, which let them work again.
>  However this seams not the ultimate approach to me because there are so many
>  different familys and renderers which should not be decorated, that i'll have
>  to code everytime they change.

At first glance, I don't think it's a good idea to hardcode a set of
renderer families that will not apply like that. The root of the
problem is that you can't have both the validator and ajax renderers
and the combination is a valid one. So it seems like we need to
rethink (maybe) the way we handle the validator renderers.

Right now I don't have a better answer for you.


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