On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 6:20 AM, Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am building Shale 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT with JDK 1.5.0_16-b06-284. The test on
> Shale-Core are failing with the following error:
> testPristine(org.apache.shale.util.TokenProcessorTestCase)  Time elapsed:
> 0.038 sec  <<< ERROR!
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/faces/application/ViewExpiredException
>        at
> org.apache.shale.test.mock.lifecycle.MockLifecycle.<init>(MockLifecycle.java:52)
>        at
> org.apache.shale.test.mock.lifecycle.MockLifecycleFactory.<init>(MockLifecycleFactory.java:45)
> The test for Shale-Core uses JSF 1.1. I suspect that Shale-Test is expecting
> a JSF 1.2 implementation and failing since 1.1 is used.
> Ideas?

I don't have an answer for you but I will verify that I experience the
same problem.


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