
On 13.08.2010 17:59, Justin Edelson wrote:
> So it looks like we should be able to start releasing the JCR bundles very 
> soon after next week's API release. Good times!

Sounds like a good plan.

> I would like to upgrade to JR 2.1.1, but that looks trivial to do.

Makes perfect sense, yes.

> I can do some similar JIRA analysis next week on the other bundles. But I 
> think API, Auth, and JCR are the big ones.

That would be good.

> Maybe we can get Sling 6 out before JavaOne...

If all goes well; would be good target.


> On Aug 13, 2010, at 2:59 AM, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry, to have this missed for far too long ....
>> On 14.07.2010 02:26, Justin Edelson wrote:
>>> Following onto my email from last week regarding the outstanding issues
>>> for the API 2.1.0 release, I wanted to send a similar email about the
>>> various JCR related bundles. Here the story is more complex and I think
>>> we need to push some of these issues into a later release.
>>> Issues which appear to resolved:
>>> SLING-1566 - adding ResourceResolver.isLive() - as I mentioned, this
>>> looks like it can be marked as Resolved (Felix?)
>> Done, some time ago.
>>> SLING-1132 - wrong bundle version
>> I have fixed this and closed the issue.
>>> Doc Required:
>>> SLING-1519 - URL mapping for paths containing "-"
>> Yes, but IMHO not a release blocker
>>> Issues for which patches are available:
>>> SLING-1548 - move bundle event handling to Loader
>> Yes, is on my plate to finally complete this....
>>> SLING-1463 - use OSGi events instead of JCR events for MapEntries
>> nice to have ??
>>> SLING-1198 - Allow mapping nodes to internet domains with template
>>> parameters
>> IMO this probably requires more more and extensions to be done. So I
>> propose to postpone this to after the release.
>>> Issues I think we can move out of the next release cycle:
>>> SLING-1455 - Impossible to refer to same-name-siblings when doing
>>> internal redirect to another protocol
>> Added a comment. If we can come up with a good solution quickly, we
>> could get it solved in time... Not sure.
>>> SLING-1421 - Resorce Resolver Mapping - Better Support for Multiple
>>> Domain/Protocol Mapping
>> Agreed, postpone.
>>> SLING-1391 - Make JcrModifiablePropertyMap write changes directly
>> This is a disputed issue ;-) Implementation looks simple, though.
>>> SLING-1332 - Support multi-value sling:alias resolution
>> This was a small one, thus I quickly fixed it.
>>> here's the JIRA query:
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&&pid=12310710&fixfor=12314772&fixfor=12314758&fixfor=12314415&fixfor=12314472&fixfor=12314286&fixfor=12314773&fixfor=12314769&fixfor=12314442&fixfor=12314774&fixfor=12313431&fixfor=12314768&fixfor=12314564&resolution=-1&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC
>> There are few recent issues I am about to close.
>> Regards
>> Felix
>>> Also worth looking at is this query:
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&&pid=12310710&component=12311946&fixfor=-1&resolution=-1&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC
>>> This is the issues marked with the JCR component but no Fix Version.
>>> Justin

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