I am not a huge fan of boilerplate code, and getters/setters are my biggest
pet peeve. I searched the dev archives and found nothing that referenced
Lombok. Is there a reason it has not yet been introduced that I am not
aware of? If not, what is everyone's opinion around using Lombok within
Sling? I looked at the license, and it seems to be near-identical to HPND
[1] and HPND is one of ASF's Category A licenses [2]. It uses/includes ASM
[3] which uses a 3-clause BSD license [4], also one of the Category A

While I wouldn't recommend allowing _everything_ from Lombok to be used, I
think it would be fair to allow the use of a subset of the features. I
would recommend the following approach:

These stabe features of Lombok [5] can be used without restriction:
- @Getter/@Setter
- @ToString
- @EqualsAndHashCode
- @NoArgsConstructor/@RequiredArgsConstructor/@AllArgsConstructor
- @Data/@Value (at least until we can use records [6], introduced in JDK
14, finalized in JDK 16)
- @Builder
- @Slf4j

All other stable features would be evaluated on a per-use basis. All
experimental features would not be allowed to be used.

These seem, to me, to be reasonable guidelines, and align with the usages I
have seen in other places (including my own projects).

[1]: https://opensource.org/licenses/HPND
[2]: https://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-a
[3]: https://asm.ow2.io/index.html
[4]: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
[5]: https://projectlombok.org/features/all
[6]: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/language/records.html


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