hi *,

I have been working on [0], namely Limit the number of vanityPath MapEntry.
In a nutshell at the moment we keep a cache of vanityPaths.
So far so good. The problem is that this cache is unbounded. Namely if the 
Sling instance has 1000000 vanityPaths all the vanityPaths are kept in memory.
Of course the memory is limited and is not hard to imagine an OutOfMemory…
For this reason I am willing to propose a limit the number of vanity path Osgi 
That’s said we need now to adapt the map/resolve algorithm to this new 
So far I so two possible solutions ( but IMHO one is really not a way to go).
Let’s take in consideration the resolve case (the map case can be then solved 
in a similar way).

The two possible solution are when the cache is bound:

- do a search for a vanityPath if the /requestPath is not in the cache (as 
anticipated above I think this is not a great solution since it can be 
expensive, indeed I assume the majorities of requests are not even “vanityPath 
requests” so both the cache and the search will return empty result)
- the second solution is a bit more convoluted but way more efficient. Let me 
try to explain:

* the cache is now bounded to the number of vanityPath entries as per config
* the algorithm stays as is for now for resolve(). So it before looks for 
vanityPath in the cache and then continues to look in the repository for a path 
that matches a resource
* if a requestedPath ends to be evaluated as NonExistingResource a last resort 
vanityPath search is executed and tries to find for a vanityPath entry 

There is only on problem here. This indeed can lead to a non compatible change 
and can work only if we also introduce a new configuration where a vanityPath 
cannot be set to a value that is equal to an existing resource.
E.g. if I have some content /foo and in /bar I try to set a vanityPath /foo 
this is not taken in consideration as valid vanityPath

Sorry for the rather complicated mail but WDYT?



[0] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-4216

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