Hi Felix

2014-12-08 14:34 GMT+01:00 Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com>:

> > * The J2E programming model discourages the creation of threads; instead
> > one is supposed to use the threadpools of the application server. This is
> > important in appservers like Websphere AS, where the succesfull lookup of
> > JNDI resources is directly bound to the fact, that the thread, which
> tries
> > it, comes from a Websphere thread pool.
> Yes, that *is* a problem. And I am not sure whether we can easily solve
> this. Except by not deploying as a web application. For example in
> WebSphere with Liberty Profile, Sling could be deployed directly into
> WebSphere’s OSGi framework and thus directly access the JNDI resources
> through the OSGi JNDI service.

And that's the problem I have, and the reason for my proposal :-)

> Interestingly the actual problem of reading JNDI resources during startup
> — looking up a JNDI DataSource to be used for an Oak Microkernel - is
> harder to solve: This thread is the Felix Framework Startlevel service
> thread which is also created with new Thread and not with some thread
> pooling.
> (Yet, it is important to note, that the framework is not able to start if
> the Startlevel thread could not be retrieved)

Hm, if we're talking about about appservers support: in the launchpad we
also create a number of threads; most specifically the Sling Notifier
thread and the OSGI Installer thread. Both of them are involved in the
startup of the bundles and services.

> I think it basically is an ok idea, which we might want to follow-up upon.
> Yet, we would not fully solve the problem, since some of the threads
> created are outside of the control of Sling, particularly the Startlevel
> thread used by the framework.

For the moment I would be happy, if we could migrate the threads created by
Sling. The Felix threads are a different story.

> Yet, there’s JSR 236 (Concurrency Utilities for J2EE). Maybe we should
> look into this ? Unfortunately its only part of J2EE 7 so your favourite
> blend of App Server might not actually support it.

"favourite blend of App servers" ... You owe me a beer now :-)

Can we split the application specific parts into own bundles and provide a
JSR236 compliant code, plus a simple version with its own threadpool.

Jörg Hoh,

Twitter: @joerghoh

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