tl;dr deprecate classes in sling commons json, and point people to use 
the real library


Sling commons.json includes a very old version of the implementations 
(state pre 2009, apart from few important bug fixes).

Most notably, it is not useful for parsing json, since the sling version can 
only work with strings [1] as input. This is obviously bad for memory usage and 
performance, espcially with larger json files, if you have to convert a request 
stream or binary (from a resource) into a string first, meaning you end up with 
potentially 3 in-memory representations of the json (binary stream, string & 
parsed jsonobject structure). has stream & reader support for a long 
time [2]. (Also, Apache Jackrabbit has a streaming parser that can be useful 
for some cases, but that's a different topic [3]).

However, just updating the copy of these classes in commons.json to the newest 
version or won't work, since the APIs are not backwards compatible 
(most notably, JsonTokener methods now throwing JsonExceptions they did not 
before). You could find a hacky way to port it, but then future updates will be 
again difficult.

The sling commons.json was added and used in Sling mainly for _generating_ 
json, not _parsing_ it (to dump jcr structures as json or write servlets 
generating json for client-side consumption). It also has a bunch of extra 
stuff for that case (groovy, jsonwriter etc.). IIRC, it also keeps the order 
when writing json objects, which isn't standardized in json, and doesn't apply 
when you parse json (and sling has an option to use arrays nowadays for 
exporting jcr as json).

However, people using the sling stack will naturally start using Sling commons 
json for all their json stuff, so they unknowingly will run into the above 
problem(s) when they use it for parsing.

Therefore I think there should be a clear deprecation note on the JSONObject et 
al classes, "when you use this for parsing json, use org.json instead".




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