+1 for switching now and don't allow snapshots in launchpad anymore.


Robert Munteanu wrote
> Hi,
> Right after the release is a good time to restart the discussion about
> only using releases in the Sling launchpad.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SLING/Moving+the+Sling+Laun
> chpad+to+use+released+artifacts+only
> At the moment we're minimally missing some tooling to make sure that we
> can switch to the latest SNAPSHOTS in an existing launchpad so we can
> run the tests against unreleased bundles. We have [1] but it's not
> reliable yet.
> So 
> 1) does anyone think this is not a good time to start the switch?
> 2) who would like to try their hand and updating the tooling to switch
> the launchpad to SNAPSHOT versions?
> Thanks,
> Robert
> [1]:
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/launchpad/builder/set-
> sling-snapshots.sh


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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