
On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 10:06 PM, Andreas Schaefer Sr. <schaef...@me.com> wrote:
> ...The Resource Provider is there to create a resource of a node type, 
> right?...

Yes, the idea is that a request like /system/nodetypes.tidy.99.json
outputs a JSON dump of all nodetypes.

> ...The list of node types and their dependencies is then handling in a
> “Web Console Plugin” to display them inside the OSGi console?...

Yes, that plugin would (internally) make that request and format the output.

> ...Does anyone know a good example of them (Resource Provider and Web
> Console Plugin) I could use as template?...

I think the simplest ResourceProvider example is the
PlanetResourceProvider used in our tests [1] , and the JMX
ResourceProvider [2] has similarities to what you need.

We have many webconsole plugin in our codebase. The Health Checks
plugin [2] is a relatively simple one.


[2] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/contrib/extensions/jmxprovider

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