Hello Daniel,

On 26.05.2018 18:12, Daniel Klco wrote:
> Eugen,
> Thanks for the interest! Mind if i ask you a couple follow up questions?
I'm always open for discussions :).
>    - Are you looking to brand the CMS application or the website /
>    application which gets produced by the CMS?
My immediate focus is the website for end users. Looking at the other
popular CMS's out there (Wordpress, Django), they can customize the
admin theme but I haven't seen it done a lot in practice. I think a very
big percentage of people don't care that much/can afford. It would be
great to be able to provide a unified experience between the two.
Wordpress themes are very popular and I think they have hit the sweet
spot in terms of flexibility and how easy it is to do it.


>    - If you are looking to brand the CMS is this more of a put an icon at
>    the top and change colors or would you want to completely change the look
>    and feel?
As I mentioned above I think being able to put an icon and supply some
custom CSS is fine. For example I try to push for CSS frameworks because
of the benefits in maintenance, developer and component availability. So
I would like to be able to use something like bootstrap 4 or some other
popular framework to style website applications.
Personally I would like to customize the current CSS for the CMS as
well. I'll see if I can convince a friend to help out. What would be the
steps in that case?
>    - The custom components, are these customizations to the CMS or to the
>    websites?
When I talk about custom components I'm thinking more in terms of custom
content types that a developer can code (or a plugin can create) and
then Author/Editor can create and choose where to display them inside
the website.

In wordpress this functionality is called "custom post types" and there
are a lot of plugins like
https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/ that can allow people
to manage them.  In JCR I think this could be thought of as custom node
types but from my knowledge managing the life cycle of node types is not
that straight forward in JCR - I'm thinking of migrations in a running
system - adding/removing properties, changing structure. In SQL you have
tools like flyway for that https://flywaydb.org/
> BTW, if you want to see what's possible with the current version, I'm using
> it to power my personal website:
> https://www.danklco.com
Thanks. It looks great. I have seen some articles there that I think
will help me when I get started with the CMS :).
> Here's the code for that:
> https://github.com/klcodanr/danklco.com-site/tree/sling-cms
Sweet !!
> What I especially like is the "list" concept. Basically, you can pretty
> easily create a list of items and style it by extending this component:
> https://github.com/apache/sling-whiteboard/tree/master/
> cms/reference/src/main/resources/jcr_root/apps/reference/components/general/
> list
> For example, to create my tag pages:
> https://www.danklco.com/tags.html/etc/taxonomy/adobe/adobe-
> experience-manager
> I created a taglist component which just overrides the item output to style
> the tag items the way I wanted:
> https://github.com/klcodanr/danklco.com-site/tree/sling-
> cms/src/main/resources/jcr_root/apps/danklco-com/components/lists/taglist
> And then created a page with that taglist component on it.
That sounds awesome. In truth I need more time to understand and to
appreciate the full value of that. I'm still unfamiliar with a lot of
practices and concepts around JCR and Sling.

I do have a question: Why JSP? Could those be done using the other
scripting/templating languages ? I'm asking more out of curiosity - I
have no JSP experience and I don't plan to learn to write very soon :).

Thank you for the time to answer and for working on Sling CMS and making
it available to us. 
> -Dan
> On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 6:26 AM, Ioan Eugen Stan <ieu...@netdava.com> wrote:
>> Hello Daniel,
>> Awesome news. I think it's a good start. Once I get to the point where
>> we can use the CMS and will need to customize it I can provide more
>> feedback.
>> Some of my initial concerns will be around:
>> a. provide custom CSS/theme - based on bootstrap 4 most likely. This is
>> branding, uniform look and feel mostly
>> b. provide custom components - later in the project developemnt, once we
>> are familiar with the sling-cms
>> I'm not very familiar with sling-cms internals to know if this is doable
>> right now but I have a feeling (b) is doable.
>> Excited for cms,
>> Eugen
>> On 25.05.2018 17:46, Daniel Klco wrote:
>>> Hey All,
>>> I've wrapped up all of the things I wanted to fix before releasing the
>>> first version of the Sling CMS Sample app.
>>> I'm thinking of creating two repositories:
>>>    - sling-org-apache-sling-cms <- the core CMS code
>>>    - sling-org-apache-sling-cms-reference <- the reference application /
>>>    components so this can be versioned separately from the underlying
>>>    application
>>> Does this sound good? Should the names contain sample?
>>> Regards,
>>> Dan

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