Hi Betrand,

2018-06-21 15:28 GMT+02:00 Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org>:

> I think we have discussed a few times how to restrict the execution of
> certain servlets like this one, as currently any user who can create a
> node with the sling/capabilities resource type can get access to that
> information.
> But we didn't come to a firm conclusion AFAIR.
> To prevent this I can use a "shadow permissions resource" at a
> configurable path, defaulting to
> /libs/sling/permissions/capabilities/read
> The CapabilitiesServlet can then require that resource to be present
> and readable by the current user, and return a 403 Forbidden status if
> not.

this approach of using a shadow permission resource doesn't sound well for
me. I think that binding servlets to a resource type always gives anyone
with write access to the repo the chance to create a resource with any
resourcetype and then get the servlet executed. If we consider this a way
which we should protect ourselves against, we should come up with a
dedicated design and nothing ad-hoc; because then we have to secure quite
some functionality.

If we ignore this "attack vector", the chance to apply permissions to such
a resource (e.g. using a JCR repo) should provide enough ways to protected
access to this functionality.


Jörg Hoh,

Twitter: @joerghoh

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