
2018-07-27 16:41 GMT+02:00 Jason E Bailey <j...@apache.org>:

> I may be off base here since I haven't spent much time with service users
> but couldn't  this be handled by extending the Service User so that for
> specific services, the user returned is the literal admin user.
> i.e. rather then whitelisting the services that can use
> loginAdministrative the service user that these whitelisted services would
> get would be the Administrator user.

That means, that instead of the service-user you can configure to receive
the admin-user? I guess, that it won't change much... Instead of creating a
new service-user lazy people will use the admin. One could argue, that it's
still to easy to use an admin session. But harmonizing both approaches
would definitley help, because then a switch from a service-user to an
admin-user and vice-versa would be just a configuration change, but no code


Jörg Hoh,

Twitter: @joerghoh

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