Am Di., 23. Okt. 2018 um 16:29 Uhr schrieb Robert Munteanu <>:

> I think it would be an interesting and worthwhile exercise to see what
> various contributors would like to see as the major themes of Sling 12.
I would like to have some cleanup done
* get rid of dependencies to old versions (e.g. we still have modules
depending on Oak 1.4)
* Would be great to improve consistency in terms of tests and test
frameworks, so we have examples for writing tests properly (both unit and
integration tests)

And of course the documentation can always be improved. Would absolutely
love if we could also have the "old" documentation for reference (there are
people out there which cannot always use the most recent version of Sling,
therefor having the old docs available would be beneficial (next to the old
API docs).

Jörg Hoh,
Twitter: @joerghoh

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