[moving to dev since there's nothing private at this point]

On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 07:59:23PM -0500, Michael Parker wrote:
[discussion about having the parent doing forking for bayes expire, etc.]
> I looked at this briefly today.  There are some Apache::*
> modules that we could mimic to accomplish the same thing.  So I think
> we could come up with a solution on our own.

The first thing is to get the parent involved in things.

For 3.1, I was thinking of making spamd parent run as root (or whoever
launches it), and do all the logging and everything.  It'll spawn off
children, which do the checks as current.  The children will run the
checks to see if a sync or expire is necessary, but not actually do
the work.

Along with the results from the run being sent to the parent for logging
purposes, the child can pass back a "bayes expire user" type command which
spamd will then use to fork() and do the work.  There'll have to be some form
of "max work children" option, and either the work will have to be
best-effort, or a queue will have to be built up.  I'd probably not bother
with prefork on that one.

This is pretty much the httpd model, and would also let us do a min/max
servers instead of spawning them all at once, based on the number of
incoming requests, etc.

Randomly Generated Tagline:
I suppose that :byte could also take an argument to force a particular
 old-style (single-byte) locale, if we choose to support them, and are
 willing to take the consequences of Jarkko going postal.  :-)
              -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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