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Nix writes:
> On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Theo Van Dinter spake:
> > On Sat, Jun 25, 2005 at 06:29:44PM -0700, Justin Mason wrote:
> >> Hey -- I presume we won't be going ahead with this schedule, since
> >> nobody's voted, explicitly given a thumbs-up, or updated the
> >> details on how mass-checks now work in 3.1.0...
> > 
> > Ok, so the first step is to announce this is coming up and have interested
> > parties get accounts.  That part hasn't really changed.
> [waves]
> I may still have an account (username `nix'): but that was a long, long
> time ago --- pre-Apache, I think --- and I'm not sure if it's still
> there.
> The hiatus has ended as I've found time to automate spam-corups
> de-virus, de-bounce, and de-duping at last.
> I'm still not sure how intensely to de-dupe: should I zap articles with
> identical bodies?  identical bodies except for MIME headers? identical
> bodies except for identifiable bayes poison? Until the obfu rules came
> in, I'd have said the latter... but now I'm just zapping articles with
> identical bodies and rule hits, as the obfu rules make it very likely
> that two articles differing only in bayes poison will end in different
> rule-hit partitions anyway.)

Yeah, I think de-duping is a bit of a lost cause.  I'd say if you see 50
copies of the same message arriving one after the other, go ahead and
de-dupe, but in general, the volume is just too high to be able to humanly
achieve this any more, so let's just not worry about it :(

I've changed the guidelines on the wiki to reflect this.

> > While waiting for that to complete (until Wednesday?), we can update
> > the docs and do test runs to make sure it's all cool.
> Update docs, please! I've still got to work out what --reuse is for:
> reusing hits on net rules from pre-existing spam-status lines? (If so,
> how does this cater for newly added RBLs/URIBLs?)

/me points at Daniel...  he needs to update the doco.

- --j.
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