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Theo Van Dinter writes:
>On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 11:53:08AM -0800, Justin Mason wrote:
>> There's no guarantee that sandbox code will be of a distributable quality,
>> yet.  As a result we should not distribute .pm's from the sandbox dir, and
>> only distribute .pm's from "rules" or "rulesrc/core".  Neither .pm should
>> be listed in MANIFEST, accordingly.
>Sure.  I don't mind not putting pm's in distribution (the code ought
>to move to the Plugin directory (or EvalTests if we don't actually get
>rid of it)), but we need to have them actually copied and used during
>development.  So there's really two issues that I'm seeing at the moment:
>1) right now we need to put the sandbox pm files in MANIFEST or else during
>   the nightly runs, mkrules won't copy them over to the rules/ directory
>   thereby not letting us test sandboxed eval rules.

ah, yes.  mkrules won't copy .pm's unless they are in the MANIFEST.

>2) the loadplugin line gets generated in the cf files after the rules
>   that need it loaded, so the ifplugin requirement fails, and the rules
>   aren't actually run.

And this should be easily fixable ;)

You're right, both are bugs; any chance of a bugzilla entry and I'll
try to get them fixed RSN?

- --j.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Exmh CVS


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