On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 11:50:58PM -0600, Doc Schneider wrote:
> >>is what I'm personally using. The machine is a dual 500 with a gig of 
> >>RAM. And perl 5.8.6 on it. Anyone have any ideas?
> >
> >What size are these mailboxes?
> >
> Total size of the files? or how many messages in each mbox?
> Size of ham is 333 megs
> Size of spam is 535 megs.
> A bit over 100k messages total
> spams:63731    hams:39385 give or take.

My current checks are roughly 40k messages. I use --after '6 months'
on a much larger corpus, but that gets me down to 40k. (On my weekly
net-enabled runs I use --after '1 month')

It takes roughly 3 hours start to finish (including scanning the
corpus and rsyncing), this is on a 2.8 GHz P4 w/ 1GB RAM.


 - Get rid of --all; you could be hitting some giant messages and burning a lot 
of CPU.
 - Use -j2 since you have 2 processors... might as well use them.
 - Trim your corpus, (use --after)

Duncan Findlay

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