
Theo Van Dinter writes:
> Hi,
> I have readied a 3.1.1 release set of files and propose that we release 3.1.1:
> http://people.apache.org/~felicity/released/
> Please test out these files and vote as to whether or not to release them as
> 3.1.1.  Thanks. :)
> My Vote: +1
> BTW: my proposed release announcement is as follows:
> To: users, dev, announce
> Subject: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.1.1 available!
> Apache SpamAssassin 3.1.1 is now available!  This is a maintainance
> release of the 3.1.x branch.
> Downloads are available from:
>   http://spamassassin.apache.org/downloads.cgi?update=200509141634
>   [TVD: update the date string appropriately upon release]
> The release file will also be available via CPAN in the near future.
> md5sum of archive files:
>   5cdc9a1717113c2752ba567a374066af  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.1.tar.bz2
>   cbaf1c6c04a1a5fd30cb662fc2f080ea  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.1.tar.gz
>   2bcd06b9dc1d65c5828e63744bdd3630  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.1.zip
> sha1sum of archive files:
>   7f6df67ee8bdca67df5b30f26115e6154494a465  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.1.tar.bz2
>   239c70d431a0bb367ee970360e575dd0b825f1f2  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.1.tar.gz
>   cdcbb061ead00002879cf7dda237c1d4133382b3  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.1.zip
> The release files also have a .asc accompanying them.  The file serves
> as an external GPG signature for the given release file.  The signing 
> key is available via the wwwkeys.pgp.net key server, as well as
> http://spamassassin.apache.org/released/GPG-SIGNING-KEY
> The key information is:
> pub  1024D/265FA05B 2003-06-09 SpamAssassin Signing Key <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>      Key fingerprint = 26C9 00A4 6DD4 0CD5 AD24  F6D7 DEE0 1987 265F A05B
> 3.1.1 includes a large number of bug fixes and documentation updates.
> Here is an abbreviated changelog (since 3.1.0) for major updates (see
> the Changes file for a complete list):
> - better validate a number of different configuration options
> - support new Mail::DomainKeys API, which changed incompatibly between
>   0.18 and 0.80 without warning
> - more properly handle new Received header formats
> - bug 4788: backport sa-update from 3.2 along with the local_state_dir
>   code, etc.
> - bug 4760: strictly validate trusted/internal network configurations
> - bug 4696: consolidated fixes for timeout bugs
> - bug 3710: add timeout to connect so spamc -t works
> - bug 4363: if a message uses CRLF for line endings, use it for header
>   rewrites as well
> - bug 4748: add ExpressionEngine and Google redirector patterns
> - bug 3815: add _RELAYCOUNTRY_ tag so that the RelayCountry plugin can
>   put in the list of countries relayed through
> - bug 4090: x86_64 platforms (linux specifically) have an issue compiling
>   libspamc.so causing RPM build failures
> - bug 4791: fix issue where perl would throw a UTF-8 warning for certain
>   messages
> - bugs 4606, 4609: Adjust MIME parsing limits
> - bug 4780: fix IP_ADDRESS & LOCALHOST regexes to correctly parse IPv6
>   addresses
> - bug 4728: DUL rules should only use the last external IP, not all but
>   the first of the external IPs
> - bug 4700: certain privileged configuration settings can inject code,
>   due to a bad fix for bug 3846.  Back that out
> - bug 4655: have redhat-rc-script create .pid file for spamassassin
>   service to avoid killing the wrong processes and leaving spamd running

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