Hi Nicolas,

Good catches on these things.

> Your website seems a little bit incomplete. I have found this page [1] with 
> list the two main mailing lists, users and dev. But I see a reference to a 
> mailing list about "issues" which tracks the sparks issues when it was hosted 
> at Atlassian. I guess it has moved ? where ?
> And is there any mailing about the commits ?

Good catch, this was an old link and I’ve fixed it now. I also added the one 
for commits.

> Also, I found it weird that there is no page that is referencing the true 
> code source, the git at the ASF, I only found references to the git at github.

The GitHub repo is actually a mirror managed by the ASF, but the “git tag” link 
at http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html also points to the source repo. The 
problem is that our contribution process is through GitHub so it’s easier to 
point people to something that they can use to contribute.

> I am also interested in your workflow, because Ant is moving from svn to git 
> and we're still a little bit in the grey about the workflow. I am thus 
> intrigued how do you work with github pull requests.

Take a look at 
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SPARK/Contributing+to+Spark and 
to see our contribution process. In a nutshell, it works as follows:

- Anyone can make a patch by forking the GitHub repo and sending a pull request 
(GitHub’s internal patch mechanism)
- Committers review the patch and ask for changes; contributors can push 
additional changes into their pull request to respond
- When the patch looks good, we use a script to merge it into the source Apache 
repo; this also squashes the changes into one commit, making the Git history 
sane and facilitating reverts, cherry-picks into other branches, etc.

Note by the way that using GitHub is not at all necessary for using Git. We 
happened to do our development on GitHub before moving to the ASF, and all our 
developers were used to its interface, so we stuck with it. It definitely beats 
attaching patches on JIRA but it may not be the first step you want to take in 
moving to Git.


> Nicolas
> [1] https://spark.apache.org/community.html

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