Alright, Greg, I think I understand how Subversion's model is different, which 
is that the PMC members are all full committers. However, I still think that 
the model proposed here is purely organizational (how the PMC and committers 
organize themselves), and in no way changes peoples' ownership or rights. 
Certainly the reason I proposed it was organizational, to make sure patches get 
seen by the right people. I believe that every PMC member still has the same 
responsibility for two reasons:

1) The PMC is actually what selects the maintainers, so basically this 
mechanism is a way for the PMC to make sure certain people review each patch.

2) Code changes are all still made by consensus, where any individual has veto 
power over the code. The maintainer model mentioned here is only meant to make 
sure that the "experts" in an area get to see each patch *before* it is merged, 
and choose whether to exercise their veto power.

Let me give a simple example, which is a patch to the Spark core public API. 
Say I'm a maintainer in this API. Without the maintainer model, the decision on 
the patch would be made as follows:

- Any committer could review the patch and merge it
- At any point during this process, I (as the main expert on this) could come 
in and -1 it, or give feedback
- In addition, any other committer beyond me is allowed to -1 this patch

With the maintainer model, the process is as follows:

- Any committer could review the patch and merge it, but they would need to 
forward it to me (or another core API maintainer) to make sure we also approve
- At any point during this process, I could come in and -1 it, or give feedback
- In addition, any other committer beyond me is still allowed to -1 this patch

The only change in this model is that committers are responsible to forward 
patches in these areas to certain other committers. If every committer had 
perfect oversight of the project, they could have also seen every patch to 
their component on their own, but this list ensures that they see it even if 
they somehow overlooked it.

It's true that technically this model might "gate" development in the sense of 
adding some latency, but it doesn't "gate" it any more than consensus as a 
whole does, where any committer (not even PMC member) can -1 any code change. 
In fact I believe this will speed development by motivating the maintainers to 
be active in reviewing their areas and by reducing the chance that mistakes 
happen that require a revert.

I apologize if this wasn't clear in any way, but I do think it's pretty clear 
in the original wording of the proposal. The sign-off by a maintainer is simply 
an extra step in the merge process, it does *not* mean that other committers 
can't -1 a patch, or that the maintainers get to review all patches, or that 
they somehow have more "ownership" of the component (since they already had the 
ability to -1). I also wanted to clarify another thing -- it seems there is a 
misunderstanding that only PMC members can be maintainers, but this was not the 
point; the PMC *assigns* maintainers but they can do it out of the whole 
committer pool (and if we move to separating the PMC from the committers, I 
fully expect some non-PMC committers to be made maintainers).

I hope this clarifies where we're coming from, and why we believe that this 
still conforms fully with the spirit of Apache (collaborative, open development 
that anyone can participate in, and meritocracy for project governance). There 
were some comments made about the maintainers being only some kind of list of 
people without a requirement to review stuff, but as you can see it's the 
requirement to review that is the main reason I'm proposing this, to ensure we 
have an automated process for patches to certain components to be seen. If it 
helps we may be able to change the wording to something like "it is every 
committer's responsibility to forward patches for a maintained component to 
that component's maintainer", or something like that, instead of using "sign 
off". If we don't do this, I'd actually be against any measure that lists some 
component "maintainers" without them having a specific responsibility. Apache 
is not a place for people to gain kudos by having fancier titles given on a 
website, it's a place for building great communities and software.


> On Nov 6, 2014, at 9:27 PM, Greg Stein <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Sandy Ryza <> wrote:
>> It looks like the difference between the proposed Spark model and the
>> CloudStack / SVN model is:
>> * In the former, maintainers / partial committers are a way of
>> centralizing oversight over particular components among committers
>> * In the latter, maintainers / partial committers are a way of giving
>> non-committers some power to make changes
> I can't speak for CloudStack, but for Subversion: yes, you're exactly
> right, Sandy.
> We use the "partial committer" role as a way to bring in new committers.
> "Great idea, go work >there<, and have fun". Any PMC member can give a
> single +1, and that new (partial) committer gets and account/access, and is
> off and running. We don't even ask for a PMC vote (though, we almost always
> have a brief discussion).
> The "svnrdump" tool was written by a *Git* Google Summer of Code student.
> He wanted a quick way to get a Subversion dumpfile from a remote
> repository, in order to drop that into Git. We gave him commit access
> directly into trunk/svnrdump, and he wrote the tool. Technically, he could
> commit anywhere in our tree, but we just asked him not to, without a +1
> from a PMC member.
> Partial committers are a way to *include* people into the [coding]
> community. And hopefully, over time, they grow into something more.
> "Maintainers" are a way (IMO) to *exclude* people from certain commit
> activity. (or more precisely: limit/restrict, rather than exclude)
> You can see why it concerns me :-)
> Cheers,
> -g

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