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The following page has been changed by Bob Lee:

      * [crazybob] There's no reason we can't support both `String` and 
`Result` return types for action methods. I think we should encourage `String` 
though. Can you provide some example use cases for when `String` isn't enough?
      * [frankz] A few that come to mind... the ability to choose between 
redirect and forward based on decisions made in code (you could argue that you 
can have two <result>'s defined, one with type redirect and one with type 
forward, but then that starts to clutter the config file I think)... the 
ability to add parameters to a forwarded result (i.e., if you wanted to forward 
to another action, how can you add parameters just by returning a String?  
Well, unless the processor expects and can deal with a query string appended I 
support)... the ability to add an anchor name to the response... the 
opportunity to include additional objects in the response (i.e., what if you 
had some sort of ViewSupport object that the presentation can make use of... it 
might be more intuitive to add it to a Result than to directly add it as a 
request attribute, and that also makes for better abstraction from the servlet 
API).  I'm sure there's more, and I'm sure there are ways to accomplish most
  of these things without returning an object, but I think the clarity of the 
resultant code is greater by returning a Result object, and it opens up 
possibilities I can't think of (i.e., functionality encapsulated in that object 
independant of tbe interceptor stack).
      * [mrdon] For further reading:
+     * [crazybob] I'm not sold on this. 1) The result pulls values from the 
value stack, not the request attributes. 2) I ran into a case recently where I 
''thought'' I wanted to return a real object at first: I wanted the action to 
dynamically select a redirect URL. I ended up doing this: {{{
+   <result name="..." type="redirect">${url}</result>
+ }}} 3) Enabling users to return either a real object or a string is going to 
impact the interceptor API, too. :( 4) Wait a second... you can do what you 
want right now! Create a new result type which looks up a `Result` object on 
the value stack and delegates to it. Then map a global result to the new type. 
For example, you could return `CUSTOM`, and the the result type would execute 
the `Result` returned from `getCustomResult()` on your action. ;) 
  == Nice to haves ==
    1. Inheritance is not a good way to reuse code between actions. One work 
around is to use the strategy pattern to swap in different implementations of 
interfaces like `ValidationAware`. It would be nice if the framework had 
built-in support for mixins using cglib or Dynaop. For example, instead of 
extending a class that implements `ValidationAware`, SAF could extend an action 
class at runtime and implement the `ValidationAware` methods by delegating them 
to another object (a mixin): {{{

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