I agree with everything you said, save the RM difficulty level. All I'm saying is the RM should look over the list of all fixed tickets ensuring everything is in order. Thanks to Wendy, the RM can roll a release in under a hour with most of that time taking up waiting for Maven to do its thing. She is even working on a way to automatically deploy the example applications and run rudimentary tests.

I guess I see the RM as the one responsible for the release. It isn't a bad thing and ideally, they will have no additional work; I certainly didn't have much when I rolled the release last nite.


Ted Husted wrote:
On 4/27/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I like that, and if they don't close it by the release, the release manager 
will close it.

I don't understand why we should set this up so every ticket has to be
closed twice. The tickets are already subject to peer-review by the
PMC and all the subscribers to dev@ (or issues@). We have nightly
builds going out every day that reflect the changes made by the

If the problem is fixed, then the release testing should prove that it
is fixed. I don't believe that we should be turing the release manager
into some type of clerical assistant or gatekeeper for the rest of us.
If the RM wants to review the tickets that have been closed since the
last relesae, that's fine. But I would suggest that we not try to dump
any additional responsibility on this role. It's a hard enough job as
it is.

My suggestion would be that whoever applies the patch should also
supply a test that proves the issue is resolved, and then closes the
ticket as fixed, until shown otherwise.  It doesn't have to be a fancy
test. In the case of a taglib, it could just be a use case in the
taglib exercise application.


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