The Jasper result was in fact transitioned to Struts Action 2, however, it was moved to the "extras" module. ASF is ok with us shipping code that depends on LGPL jars as long as:

 1. The jars aren't included in our distribution
 2. The default build doesn't automatically retrieve the jars
 3. The "glue" code itself isn't under the LGPL license


Jason Carreira wrote:
WebWork has a Jasper result[1].  It was not
transitioned to Struts Action 2 because of the licensing issue. The code should be readily adaptable for those who want to use it, and perhaps it could be kept alive either as part of Jasper Reports' development, or in a SourceForge project that can tolerate the license entanglements that Apache projects have to avoid.

Isn't it still in there, somewhere? I thought it was just made "optional"?
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