I already created a body tag on our webwork project at work (we needed the onload event hook)

+1 from me.

Ted Husted wrote:
Another good use for head or body tags might be to generate a JavaScript hook.

A head tag could also inject the doctype redtape, that we might
otherwise paste into every page.

On 8/24/07, Nils-Helge Garli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It would be nice having struts tags that generate the <html>, <head>
and <body> sections of the HTML page. These tags could have support
for different "renderers", as the url and form tags have, that could
be overriden in plugins like the portlet plugin. So when the tag runs
in a regular servlet container, the tags creates regular <html>,
<head> and <body> tags, but when it runs in a portlet container, it
could be overriden to skip rendering, since portlets should only
generate page fragments.

This would make it easier to migrate webapps to portlet apps, since
you no longer need to remove content from your JSPs, and also make it
easier if you want a Struts 2 application to be able to run in both a
servlet container and a portlet container.

Do you think this would be useful, or is it just unnecessary overhead?
Should we for instance  write guidelines/tutorials on how to use
SiteMesh for this purpose instead?


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